The AMTECH project intends to support SMEs in traditional sectors and, more generally, in strategic sectors of the countries involved, with respect to the challenges posed by the future, particularly in the manufacturing sector. Within the project, a Joint Action Plan will be developed aimed at creating the conditions to ensure stable and continuous collaboration, of a district type, between Albania, Italy (Puglia, Molise) and Montenegro. The sharing of technical-scientific skills and knowledge in the field of additive manufacturing, which can be integrated or which can lead to a replacement of the manufacturing processes currently used by SMEs, will guarantee an improvement in work cycles and a reduction in waste and energy consumption.
Within the AMTECH project, PEA intends to capitalize on the results of the AMICO project (Additive Manufacturing and Process Automation for Hybrid and Composite Materials PON ARS01_00758 Project, Italy, 2014-2020), coordinated by the District itself, within the Italian Research Program 2014-2020 to support industrial research and experimental development projects in the main areas of specialization, in particular “Smart Factory”, in which advanced knowledge on 3D production has been acquired and prototypes have been created in the automotive, aerospace and pharmaceutical sectors. More specifically, IMAST, in addition to acting as project leader, will also transfer the technological know-how on additive manufacturing processes to SMEs in other industrial sectors, through a series of activities, including: organization of the opening conference in Puglia, aimed at discussing the concrete challenges and opportunities offered by industrial 3D printing; organization of n.2 incoming missions for the transfer of knowledge on Additive Manufacturing, one dedicated to high-end sectors and one to traditional sectors; promotion of matchmaking events to foster the development of innovative business ideas and cross-border cooperation.