AMTECH Workshop Albania_26.11.2024
On November 26 Tirana will host a major international event in Albania: Workshop on additive and advanced manufacturing technologies and digitalisation of production, organized by PROEKSPORT ALBANIA PRODUCERS GARMENT-FOOTWEAR.
As part of the Interreg Interreg IPA South Adriatic “AMTECH” project, this event will offer participants an in-depth look at additive manufacturing technologies and their high-end applications across the aerospace, automotive, and industrial sectors.
This is a unique opportunity and for the first time in Albania where AM is spoken, discussed and the possibility to connect companies from the countries of the region leading in this field.
The event is open to economic operators, students, teachers, and managers of public-private bodies.
📅 Registration is open:
Partners: AGENZIA REGIONALE PER LO SVILUPPO DL MOLISE – SVILUPPO ITALIA MOLISE S.P.A. – Inovaciono preduzetnički centar Tehnopolis/Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center Tehnopolis – IMASTscarl